Android Oreo Mouse Capture
Oreo allows mouse capture without root so you aren't stuck with Android's system cursor. This solves the screen boundary problems with games that do not use a cursor and/or need the Android cursor hidden, such as FPS games.
Tarjei Bitustøyl
Hi, this stopped working very recently. Could you look into it?
Benjy Boxer
Emanuele Borghini
Still nothing?
Shved Tsimur
It would be amazing! Please implement that function!!! 🙏
Shadow Hunt
Any update?
Raajn Patel
This! I just posted something similar before reading this. I feel stupid but more feedback won't hurt I guess haha.
Alfred Peters
@Benjy Boxer what's the skinny on this feature? planning on dropping my old gaming pc as soon as i can actually play with parsec on my DeX. :D
Matt Valuk
Benjy Boxer this feature would be amazing. Any general timeline for implementation?
Johnathan Tiong
Hi there, yes, please - this would be a huge boon to Android gamers - I'm running a Samsung Note 8 on the new Dex Pad (EE-M5100) and mouse capture is sorely needed for FPS based gaming
Benjy Boxer