HTML5 Application
Benjy Boxer
Please read about it here -
Benjy Boxer
Benjy Boxer
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Chrome OS Support
Mr. Jester
It would be great if there was native Chrome OS support. The Android App on some Chrome OS devices is OK, but there is a layer of emulation there. A native Chrome OS extension would give a better experience.
Benjy Boxer
in progress
This has been released to beta testers and will be available to everyone soon.
Benjy Boxer
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Web player
It would be nice if instead of downloading the daemon on every computer you want to play on, you could just get a chrome extension and then play games in-browser. Or maybe, parsec could just run in html5, whichever one is easier. I don't know how difficult these would be to program, but i hope it would be easy to implement.
The 4th Steve
Tell that to the chromebook users
Олег Феньков
The 4th Steve: chrome book users can use Android app
The 4th Steve
Олег Феньков: im a chromebook user, not all chromebooks get android apps, and my school district has blocked dev mode somehow
Олег Феньков
I havent seen any good browser based solution yet. Nvidia stream thing with chrome extension is suuper laggy and adds delay. parsec has thing client, hat is pretty cool.
The 4th Steve
Олег Феньков: it runs on WebRTC,so it is def possible.
Benjy Boxer
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HTML5 Client
Plat 251
A HTML5 edition of Parsec to run in modern browsers wouldn't hurt. It doesn't have to be as good as a full client, but a HTML5 client would make Parsec really accessible to a much wider audience.
Plat 251
And you could make Jackbox Party Pack truly universally playable.
Mage Enderman
And it'd be better than rainway by default (mainly because rainway forces you to run a specific game instead of allowing you to stream your desktop and choosing a game/app from there)
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